Birkbeck seeks new blood as options grow

十一月 9, 2006

Birkbeck, University of London, is looking for dozens of part-time sessional lecturers in fields as diverse as archaeology and world arts to deliver its growing number of adult education courses.

New lecturers are being sought to replenish the college's lecturing pools or panels. Once selected to a panel, a lecturer will be called on to teach as required - on courses ranging from non-credit-bearing programmes to masters.

One of the big benefits, according to Birkbeck, is that sessional lecturers can be paid more per hour than full-time academics.

Sessional lecturers presenting non-credit-bearing courses can expect to earn up to £25 an hour. For credit-bearing courses this rises to about £36 an hour and for masters programmes Birkbeck pays about £38 an hour.

Another benefit is the flexibility that part-time evening work can offer, which may suit parents with daytime caring responsibilities or even those with other jobs.

Eleanor Mongey, a programme manager at Birkbeck, said: "One attraction is the flexibility of the provision and the opportunity to work with adults."

Birkbeck provides education exclusively to mature students. It is continually expanding its provision and, most recently, entered a collaborative arrangement with the University of East London to deliver courses in Stratford.

Candidates are normally expected to have a good first degree and a teaching qualification such as a PGCE. But each case is assessed individually and teaching experience is taken into account.



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