CEMS The Global Alliance in Management Education

1, rue de la Liberation, Jouy en Josas, Ile de France, 78350, France

About CEMS The Global Alliance in Management Education

Established in 1988, CEMS is a global alliance of 30 of the world’s top business schools and over 75 multinational companies and NGOs dedicated to preparing future generations of responsible global business leaders contributing to a more open, sustainable and inclusive world.

Its academic and corporate members collaborate to develop knowledge and provide education, and the network has grown steadily, largely due to the success and popularity of the CEMS Master’s in International Management: the MiM Programme.

The one-year MiM Programme is taught jointly by CEMS business school and universities and was set up by founding members from the University of Cologne, HEC Paris, ESADE and the Universita Bocconi. It was the first supra-national MSc and the advanced content is practice-based. CEMS corporate partners decide on the creation, teaching and delivery of the local curricula. Every CEMS academic member has a limited number of places available for the CEMS MIM intake, therefore, the selection process is challenging and in many cases, schools may have pre-requisites to be admitted into the selection process, including a high-grade average and proof of language skills.

CEMS MiM usually consists of two semesters, of which one is at the home university and the other is spent abroad in a fellow CEMS member school. Some CEMS universities also allow their students to spend both semesters at CEMS member schools. In addition to completing one's home degree, graduation from CEMS also requires successful completion of a business project, skill seminars, an international internship, and two foreign language exams.

Comprising 26 world-class academic institutions, 64 corporate partners and a combination of high-quality education and professional experience make CEMS a strong presence in the pre-experience master’s market.