Grant winners

January 15, 2009


The ESRC has announced the winners of its professorial fellowships. The six fellowships have been awarded to social scientists working in the UK who are recognised as international leaders in their respective fields to allow them to carry out research into key social scientific issues that will have an impact on the future.

Award winner: Albert Weale

Institution: University of Essex

Value: £364,108

Social contract, deliberative democracy and public policy

Award winner: Herb Marsh

Institution: University of Oxford

Value: £431,489

Value adding in diverse educational contexts: substantive-methodological synergies that address complex issues with sophisticated methodology

Award winner: John Hills

Institution: London School of Economics

Value: £226,301

Dynamics and the design of social policies

Award winner: Graham Loomes

Institution: University of East Anglia

Value: £440,535

Modelling imprecise preferences and identifying the implications for theory and policy

Award winner: Katrina Brown

Institution: University of East Anglia

Value: £250,201

Resilient development in social ecological systems


Award winner: Russell Spears

Institution: Cardiff University

Value: £230,915

Social identity theory extended: a SITE map for understanding intergroup relations

"Happy slapping", "flaming" and other social phenomena will be the focal points in this project. Professor Spears, professor of psychology at Cardiff University, is leading this effort to find psychological explanations for such behaviour in intergroup relations. Using social identity theory, he will attempt to explain how individuals view themselves in group situations, highlighting the "emotional rationality" of group behaviour instead of seeing it as a product of self-interest.


Award winner: J.A. Noble

Institution: University of Oxford

Value: £595,225

Quantitative 4D echocardiography using fusion techniques and spatio-temporal analysis

Award winner: B.J. Gallacher

Institution: Newcastle University

Value: £147,011

A stable parametrically amplified gyroscope

Award winner: M. Kohl

Institution: University of Cambridge

Value: £585,864

Quantum-limited tomographic detection of correlations in a strongly interacting atomic Fermi gas

Award winner: R. Bridson

Institution: University of Birmingham

Value: £312,947

Production and evaluation of microparticulate drug-delivery systems to enhance arterial chemoembolisation

Award winner: P. Nithiarasu

Institution: Swansea University

Value: £101,918

Patient-specific modelling network

Award winner: T. Thomson

Institution: University of Manchester

Value: £657,6

Exchange spring magnetic thin films: the future recording media


Award winner: Fehmidah Munir

Institution: University of Loughborough

Value: £11,220

Exploring interventions for chemotherapy-induced cognitive dysfunction and ability to work

Award winner: Elena Odintsova

Institution: University of Birmingham

Value: £15,000

The role of metastasis suppressor tetraspanin CD82/KAI1 in Herceptin-mediated degradation of ErbB2 receptor in breast-cancer cells

Award winner: Julian Barwell

Institution: University of Leicester

Value: £15,000

The biological ageing effect of breast-cancer radiotherapy on cardiac function

Award winner: Ian Ellis

Institution: University of Nottingham

Value: £15,000

Optimisation of SNP in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) breast-cancer tissues

Award winner: Luke Gaughan

Institution: Newcastle University

Value: £15,000

Examining a role for histone methyltransferases and demethylases in oestrogen-dependent breast cancer

Award winner: Leonard Seymour

Institution: University of Oxford

Value: £15,000

Ultrasound-enhanced virotherapy for breast cancer

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